According to the complaint filed by Sudhir Yadav, a Haryana-based RTI activist said that from April onwards WhatsApp had commenced enabling its 256-bit encryption in each and every conversation that cannot be broken and it will be encouraging terrorists to pass on important messages through it. According to Sudhir Yadav, this 256-bit encryption is making easy for terrorists and criminals to chat on WhatsApp and they can even plan their misdeeds which are almost impossible to access by supercomputers or experts because of 256-bit encrypted messaging systems. ““Even if WhatsApp was asked to break through an individual’s message to hand over the data to the government, it too would fail as it does not have the decryption keys either” Sudhir Yadav said in his petition. To decryption any message of WhatsApp, Indian authorities would need 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,907,853,269,984,665,640,564,039,457,584,007,913,129,639,935 key combinations which is almost impossible for supercomputer to decrypt: Sudhir Yadav’s petition said Yadav also mentioned that earlier advancing to Indian Supreme court, he also proposed the TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) and also the ministry of Communications and IT for banning WhatsApp. However, he doesn’t receive any reply. Sudhir Yadav’s petition also stated that platforms like Viber, Secure Chat, Hike etc. also use powerful encryption that can encourage threat to the nation.


WhatsApp Likely To Be Banned In India For Encouraging Terrorists - 55WhatsApp Likely To Be Banned In India For Encouraging Terrorists - 27WhatsApp Likely To Be Banned In India For Encouraging Terrorists - 27