Now its is quite sure that the US lawmaker has appealed and made the voice clear that any company got hacked by Chinese hackers then they should hack back those Chinese hackers back. Mainly all this concern about the countries profit, with this hacking stage, The USA decreased its profit and income as the day before they do earn.

US Allowing Companies to HACK BACK Retaliation China

The US trading secrets are more valuable for the company, if all this companies leak their trading secrets then the total country lost tens of billions of dollars, but the lost data can be recovered and it is said by the Security Review Commission and the US-China Economy, anyhow, Chinese Government has arrested 900 hackers as we have previously posted about the vulnerability and hacking process has increased by Chinese Hackers. On Wednesday report, its says that, the Government and the companies are incapable of responding back to those hackers, and the US government is not going any further steps to revoke this attacks in future, currently the US situation is not very well, even US companies are also disinclined to protect itself from cyber-espionage. Chinese government know that they have in the track of only gaining and forget about loss, because they are stealing the most secrets trades from the USA as well as some of the secret technologies they currently using onto the USA, China got believe that they will earn more from all this attacks. After previous arguments by Chinese hackers by the USA, China reportedly declining the involvement in hacking into the US companies data breach, which this attacks from china they also denied that they are not even involved in attacks of (OPM) Office of Personnel Management. Now the US government preparing to take revenge from China who have hacked more than 22 million federal employees personal data as well as the attack breach into the White House, the Obama Administration have made urgent meeting regarding the continuous hacking from China. The US said that they will also attack back China from today, and made a collection to ethical hackers from the US itself.

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The security adviser at information security firm F-Secure as Sean Sullivan said that all this revenge or retaliation is for just saying blah-blah, the program the US lawmakers have announced as Hack Back is much more confident in saying but very few will follow up with the law, and the Obama administration asking to the citizens and the federal employees to make with certain restriction in their computer systems. But still Congress man said that this new rule need to be followed and if China cross this line then the possible attack may occur between the countries…


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