Sebastian Stadil from San Francisco is a software engineer and hacked tinder site in order to find love. If you don’t know what Tinder is then let me tell you, Tinder is a location-based dating and social discovery service application that facilitates communication between mutually interested users, allowing matched users to chat. In tinder both the users are required to “Swipe Right” on the profiles they like and later they are allowed to send and receive messages. However, the hacker Sebastian Stadil managed to develop a series of code which automatically swipe right and send messages to as many women as possible. The messages he sends contains the little bit of his own intro. With this Tinder hack, he managed to send introduction message to approximately 203,000 women. The amazing part is out of 203,000 women he only managed to date 150 women in a four-month period but he is still missing his true love. Due to this hack, Sebastian Stadil did manage to went on few second and third dates but that too didn’t work. Sebastian Stadil said on a news channel “I guess I’m perhaps a little bit too picky for my own good,” When Sebastian Stadil was asked about the reason to create the series of code which automatically swipe right and send messages to as many women as possible he said “I’m bad at small talk, and I jump too fast to intellectual conversations, making it awkward. Last year, my girlfriend and I broke up. The love wasn’t there anymore. Since I’m 31, and eventually want a family, I figured I’d better not procrastinate. I needed to be serious about dating.” The script which Sebastian Stadil developed simply swiped right on potential matches, scheduled coffee dates who replied and compiled the women’s answers, complete with photos, phone numbers, and profile information into a daily email newsletter to himself. Sebastian Stadil spent roughly $6,000 during his 150 dates. However, there was no sign of finding true love. “I still believe technology can hack love, though that belief is likely irrational. Technology is leverage, and I think I leveraged it wrong: the execution was fine but the strategy wasn’t” Said by Sebastian Stadil He also said, “He will not open-source the code since it could be used to hurt people, but I might share it if you ask nicely.” You can read the extended story here

This Man Hacked Tinder And Dated 150 Women  He Was Still Single - 52This Man Hacked Tinder And Dated 150 Women  He Was Still Single - 75This Man Hacked Tinder And Dated 150 Women  He Was Still Single - 66