PUBG Mobile is a battle royale game in which you will be dropped with 99 other players to compete against each other. In this game, you must survive until the end to get a chicken dinner. However, the game is not as easy as it sounds. Through the game, you will come across different types of players. If you have been playing PUBG Mobile for a while, you might know the struggle of surviving the last few circles or the last circle. Well, lasting till the last few circles is not a big deal; almost everyone does that, but only a few know how to survive the last circle. So, if you have struggled in the last few circles or the last circle of PUBG Mobile, this post might help you.

Best Tips To Survive The Last Circle Of PUBG Mobile

In this article, we will share some of the best tips that would help you survive the last circle. We are not saying that you will 100% survive the last circle, but these tips will help to figure out a way out. So, let’s explore some of the best tips to survive the final circle of PUBG Mobile.

Scan The Area

Well, before entering the final circle, make sure to look at all the places behind you. If you have a scope, then use that to search for the enemies behind the rocks, bushes, trees, etc. Scanning the area before leaving will ensure that nobody is behind your back. If you hear the gunfire from a distance, try to engage or go prone if your health is low. After all, everyone wants fewer enemies in the final circle.

Always Have Enough Throwables

There are 4 types of Throwables on PUBG Mobile – Smoke Grenade, Stun Grenade, Frag Grenade, and Molotov Cocktail. Smoke Grenade and Frag Grenade are essential; try to have at least 2 or three. If you and your teammates are getting shots and cannot figure out the location, throw a Smoke grenade. You can also do the same thing while reviving your teammates.

Don’t Loot

Looting in the final circle is the most foolish thing you can do. Mostly people loot for the scopes in the final circle, but there’s no point in having a scope if you are in the final circle. Enemies can spot you if you are looting in the final circle. So, avoid looting an enemy you have just killed in the final circle, or you will be spotted easily by enemies.

Don’t Run

Well, running during the earlier stages of the game is relatively safe. However, running on the last few circles will eventually get you killed. If you have no other option left apart from running like if you are out of the zone, you need to run in a zig-zag motion. However, running at the last few circles will surely let you killed because well-grounded enemies can spot your location easily.

Always Carry Healing Materials

Healing Materials are another essential thing that you need to have. You must have enough consumable items like PainKiller, Energy Drinks, First-Aid Kit, MedKit, Bandages, etc. Make sure to drink the Energy drink before you enter the last circle. Filling up the energy bar also increases the movement speed. So, even if you have 100% health, use the PainKillers to get the energy bar full.

Don’t Shoot If You Are Not Sure

Usually, people start to shoot at the enemies once spotted to get a kill. However, Shooting at other players immediately draws all attention to yourself. So, don’t shoot unless you are sure you will get a kill or the enemy will spot your location. My teammates always get me killed due to inappropriate shooting, especially at the last circle. So, don’t make this mistake.

Spread Your Team

If you are playing Squad, then spreading your teammates in a different direction will be the best thing you can do. However, don’t spread your fellow members beyond 50 Meters, or you will have nobody to revive you. The reason behind this is to minimize the effect of throwables. If everyone hides behind a rock or tree, the enemy needs a perfectly cooked grenade to kill your team.

Don’t Panic

We get to admit that everyone panics in the last few circles. Have you forgotten to reload or switch the gun? Blame it all on the stress level. You don’t need to panic on the last few circles; instead, use your brain to win the last circle. I have met a few people who don’t know how to check the rankings of other players or don’t care about their own rank, and they win games easily. Another thing is that Patience is everything on PUBG Mobile and getting into quick actions at the final circle is always risky. So, these are some of the best tips to help you master the last few circles of PUBG Mobile. If you have your own suggestions, start a discussion in the comment box below.


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