If we look around, we will find that instant messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc., have been rising for the past few years. Out of all these instant messaging apps, WhatsApp is the most popular, and now use millions of users exchange messages. If you are using an Android or iOS smartphone, there is a 99% chance that you might already be using WhatsApp messenger. Let’s admit that we spent countless hours on instant messaging apps for chatting & calling. WhatsApp already has excellent features like video calling, GIF support, etc., but it still has some drawbacks. One of the significant drawbacks of WhatsApp is that it puts lots of restrictions on users. Significant disadvantages of WhatsApp include image compression; you can’t set more than 30 seconds of videos on WhatsApp status, it lacks privacy options, etc. The 30-second limit on video status is the most frustrating of all these. Recently, many users have asked us on our Facebook page how to remove the 30-second video limit in WhatsApp Status. So, in this article, we have decided to share some of the best methods to allow users to increase their WhatsApp Status Video limit to 30 seconds. It’s worth noting that WhatsApp puts specific restrictions for some reason. So, we can’t legally remove the limits. So, we need to depend upon a few tricks. These tricks can also get your WhatsApp account banned. So, make sure to implement these methods at your own risk.

Increase WhatsApp Video Status Limit Of 30 Seconds

So, let’s know how to increase the WhatsApp status time limit. These methods will help you to increase the WhatsApp Status Video limit of 30 Seconds.

1) Splitting the Videos

If you want to share a video status of more than 30 seconds, you can consider splitting the videos. In this method, you must break your video into 30 seconds and upload it in a sequence. Let’s say you want to upload a video of 2 Minutes, which means 120 seconds. So, you need to split the video into 4 parts with 30 seconds each. Once broken, upload the videos in a sequence. You can use any video splitter app like Story Split, story cutter, etc. This doesn’t remove the limit, but it does the job well. The best thing about this method is that you no longer need to worry about an account ban or any other security issue.

2) Use the Inbuilt Video Splitter of WhatsApp

While uploading the video into WhatsApp status, you will notice a timer on the screen. So, it would help if you chose which time slot in the particular video you want to upload. If you don’t want to rely upon any third-party app to split the videos, then you can use the built-in video cutter to separate videos.

After selecting the time slot, WhatsApp automatically cuts off the chosen part and sets it as Video status. So, this is how you can use the built-in video splitter of WhatsApp to increase the WhatsApp Status Video limit. You can repeat the same process to upload a full-length video.

3) Using WhatsApp Mods

Well, plenty of WhatsApp mods are available on the internet, like GBWhatsApp, WhatsApp Plus, YoWhatsApp, etc., which remove the time restriction on video status. However, using a modded version of WhatsApp will lead to an account ban. Another thing is that WhatsApp Mods often comes with malicious files which can damage smartphone. So, make sure to use WhatsApp mods at your own risk. If you have a rooted Android smartphone, you can use WhatsApp Tweaks to increase the WhatsApp Status time limit. Here’s how you can use WATweaks to boost your WhatsApp Status Video limit of 30 seconds.

First of all, on your rooted smartphone, download WA Tweaks. You can get the download link from third-party sources. Head to Settings > Unknown Sources. Enable Unknown Sources from there. Now head to the folder where you have saved the WA Tweaks apk and install it. It will ask you to grant root access. Make sure to give root access. Now tap on the menu from the left corner and select ‘WhatsApp Tweaks’ You must find and enable the option ‘Bypass video time limit status.’

That’s it; you are done! This is how you can use WA Tweaks on your Android to send a WhatsApp status with more than 30 seconds. So, these are the 3 best methods to increase the WhatsApp Status Video limit. Let us know in the comment box below if you know other ways to improve the time limit.


How To Increase WhatsApp Video Status Limit Of 30 Seconds - 47How To Increase WhatsApp Video Status Limit Of 30 Seconds - 10How To Increase WhatsApp Video Status Limit Of 30 Seconds - 20How To Increase WhatsApp Video Status Limit Of 30 Seconds - 76How To Increase WhatsApp Video Status Limit Of 30 Seconds - 55How To Increase WhatsApp Video Status Limit Of 30 Seconds - 96How To Increase WhatsApp Video Status Limit Of 30 Seconds - 54