It’s of no doubt that the newly launched Apex Legends has taken the entire gaming industry by storm. The game competes directly with the famous battle royale games like PUBG and Fornite. Guess what? Apex Legends has been downloaded over 25 million times within a week of its launch. Right now, Apex Legends is the fastest growing game of EA, and the game has been downloaded over 10 million times during the first 72 hours. Apex Legends is available for PC, Play Station 4, Xbox One and if you have a capable gaming system, then you can play the game for free.

Apex Legends: Top 5 Interesting Facts Everyone Should Know

So, if you are also interested in playing the game, then here we have rounded up some of the best facts about Apex Legends that are worth knowing. So, let’s check out some of the exciting facts of Apex Legends.

1. It’s a Sequel of TitanFall 2

Yes, you read that right the Apex Legends game is set in Titanfall Universe and its set 30 years after the events of Titanfall 2. In this game, the player competes against each other and the last one to survive takes the top spot. However, unlike TitanFall 2, Apex Legends doesn’t have giant robots, instead, it has characters with different skills and abilities.

2. Apex Legends Was Not Promoted

By Promotion what we mean is that Apex Legends is the first big game to release as soon as it was revealed. The game came from nowhere, and it took the entire gaming community by the storm. Not just promotions, but there were no trailers revealed for the game. Everything happened in the interval of a few days. After the game was launched, we had plenty of trailers, character introductions, etc. on the internet.

3. Different Playable Characters

Unlike all other Battle Royale games like PUBG, Fortnite, etc. which provides users with skins and character customization options, Apex Legends take characters to entirely new level. Guess what? Apex Legends has different character options and each of them has its own sets of skills and abilities. Right now there is a total of 8 unique characters including Bangalore, Bloodhound, Caustic, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Mirage, Pathfinder, Wraith.

4. There’s no Solo, Duo or Squad

Yes, you can’t play Solo, Duo, or Squad on Apex Legends. Right now the game offers 3 member team mode which makes the game more intense. Each of the players needs to pick from different heroes to enter the battlefield. So, a strategic selection of heroes along with good coordination can help you win the battlefield. Well, the game will receive duo and squad team modes in the near feature, but there’s no official confirmation on this yet.

5. Apex Legends Was a Bold Move From EA

Look, we have played lots of EA Games in the past. If we look at the past, we will discover that EA as a corporation has always cared about its own profit. However, this time EA agreed with Respawn Studio’s decision to make the play free to play and make a profit through in-app sales. So, its indeed a bold move from Respawn/EA, and the game is doing quite well in the gaming industry. So, these are the 5 most interesting facts about Apex Legends which is worth knowing. If you want to share some other facts of Apex Legends, we will be more than happy to know about it. Simply, drop it in the comment box below.


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