One of the world’s largest websites with erotic content PornHub together with HackerOne, the provider of a platform which is designed to streamline vulnerability coordination and bug bounty program by enlisting hackers to improve your security. Hence, the platform launched a public program remuneration for the discovered vulnerabilities. The size of the premium varies from $50 to $25 thousand. Depending on the risk of the problem. Get rewards as much as possible, following a few conditions. First of all, the researcher has to discover the vulnerability which must be previously known along with the new ones. The researcher must have to provide a detailed report on it, and how to operate and fix it, along with the PoC-code and screenshots. Exposing the information about the vulnerability to someone other than PornHub is strictly prohibited. As we mentioned earlier that the Pornhub administration is ready to pay $50 to $25 thousand, just for reporting the dangerous vulnerability that could allow compromising the server and site. CSRF and XSS vulnerabilities, errors associated with HTTPS etc and the participation in the program is not acceptable.


Adult Site Launched Bug Bounty Program - 78Adult Site Launched Bug Bounty Program - 93Adult Site Launched Bug Bounty Program - 5Adult Site Launched Bug Bounty Program - 47